Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Home Visits

Today we did one of my favorite things here in Africa and that is visit people in their homes.  Today we visited five homes and the first one was the home of Rose.  She and her husband have 5 children and one grandchild they are raising. Her husband lost his job after the post election violence and  he has not been able to find much work of late.  They live in a tiny one room house and she told us today that they only eat  1 meal a day as there just is not enough money for food and to pay school fees so their children can go to school.  The mat she is working on is one she made for Abba and Amma.  She does beautiful hand work she learned from her Ugandan heritage. After they paid her, Amma said, "now you can go and buy food" and she replied, " no, this will be for school fees" and she tucked it under her pillow.  We video taped Rose's story to bring back to the US and show people just how great the need is for some people in this world to have basic things like food and the ability send their children to school.

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